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Sorry you didn't like the PackageKit presentation. We are not trying to copy windows, and in the contect of keeping the system updated, Windows Vista is actually rather good. I don't like Microsoft stuff much either, but it's not all bad.
I think it's important to look at how end users are actually using Linux, and to understand that not everybody knows what distro they are using, or is aware of the concept of a root user. Richard.
true and that by itself is a nice effort but i also have to admit that the screenshots you did show at the end didn't really look different from what we currently have. You also said that the end-user often gets obscure messages without knowing what they are about. while this is a valid point you at least did not mention that those for example are often needed for developers do debug problems and to prevent "this is not working" bug reports.
Also building this up on dbus doesn't seem to be really nice to me, lots of people switch it off (me included) because they don't use a desktop environment and thus there is no real use for it anymore.
"I think it's important to look at how end users are actually using Linux, and to understand that not everybody knows what distro they are using, or is aware of the concept of a root user."
I also think a question is, do we want these typical users who are not willing to learn about the systems they use? At least I don't want them because I see no reason apart from free software (which I doubt is a reason for them) to not use windows. Add Comment
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