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+ disk encryption is not available afaik. I'm thinking of using lvm and luks to encrypt the emmc contents. encrypting the onenand contents is more difficult as we use ubi and ubifs and it is thus not exposed as a normal blockdevice. If the hw aes accelerator can be used, performance and power impact should not be too high I think. + the maemo base system is sufficiently different from normal debian to make normal debian packages incompatible. (disclaimer: I'm an Nokia employee working on N900)
"It is not clear to me which tools you will find in the list of installable packages"
Any dpkg package whose Section: starts with user/ is treated as user-installable by the GUI; any dpkg package whose Section: doesn't start with user/ can only be installed as a dependency, or by going outside the Nokia GUI (apt-get, etc.).
... or by entering Red Pill mode (at least on earlier Maemo releases)
Rotated screen to portrait: I also had that with the orrery app. The trick is, press the power button then it rotates back.
Don't install from extras-devel, it's not worth the hassle... Wait for extra-testing.
> # you can not yet use the phone as a wireless access point without building your own kernel images, some people seem to be working on this
This is not true, there's an application called 'joiku hotspot' that works, it's still beta, but i have managed to used some times.
at the time I wrote this juikospot (beta) wasn't released yet.
but i also phrased this badly, cause what juikospot does is adhoc mode and that already worked before via the shell, what would be nice though and still also doesnt work without a custom patched kernel is infrastructure mode Add Comment
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