In the last 2 days
Ak and me did a lot of coding stuff on
noos at
noos is a text mode
RSS feed reader which has all the features missing from
snownews and is not as slow as and has a different usability concept than
We found lots of bugs and implemented new features so the last 2 days were very productive.
At the moment noos depends on
STFL for the UI,
libmrss, libidn,
libnxml and
Installing noos is a bit tricky at the moment because of the dependencies. STFL is pretty easy to install, also sqlite.
What sucks is that mrss depends to nxml which wont compile in the latest version
So be sure to install and compile version 0.14 of libmrss and 0.15 of libnxml to make it work.
Dont forget to add /usr/local/lib to your /etc/ and run ldconfig afterwards.
You can get an
svn snapshot of noos on:
At the moment noos is able to:
- import and export
- refresh feed content in the background (snownews can't, using pthread)
- read RSS 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0
- show only feeds with new content (like l in slrn)
- jump to next unread feed item
- save feed content to files
- open feed in browser (defined in ~/.noos/config -> browser lynx)
- mark feeds as read without actually reading them...
- nice rendering of the xml (see links and images.. like in second screenshot)
- many more things i forgot to mention
But noos still has some problems which can be tracked back to libmrss and libnxml.
For example some feed content can not be displayed correctly because libmrss doesnt
handle contend:encoded tag correctly (to workaround this use RSS 1.0 instead of RSS 2.0 feed if available) or an XML file like would crash because of an invalid pointer in free() in libmrss. Maybe they will be replaced by an own implementation or a better library.
There is still alot of stuff on the noos TODO list but its really usable yet and its definitely worth following the development.
If you use
debian you can use the stfl package I made:
P.S. some people asked me about 23c3, to make it short, I think it's not as good as in the last years (including the lectures) and the price of course is horrible
Leider ist mir mein Rootserver genau zu dem Zeitpunkt abgefuckt, wie ich in Berlin angekommen bin, und ich hab es erst jetzt geschafft, ihn neu gestartet zu bekommen. Also, was hat sich bisher getan? Nico und ich haben intensiv an noos gearbeitet, Nico ha
Tracked: Dec 29, 14:35
AK released 0.1 version of the text mode rss feed reader newsbeuter (website down at the moment of writing this) formerly known as noos but had to be renamed because the name is protected by some French ISP. I recently blogged about newsbeuter so there
Tracked: Jan 17, 11:38