gcc and printf/puts optimizationsTrackbacks
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If I understand the above correctly, the only case that is changed/optimized by certain gcc versions is the printf("%s\n", (char*)) case. This is certainly because if the format string is different, or an int arg follows, it can not be replaced by puts. That logic appears consistent to me.
Furthermore, your statement "even in the generated assembler the code dereferences a NULL pointer and therefore results in a segfault" is not true, as there is only "mov $0x0,%edi" which means loading a value into a register. The dereferencing and segfault happens within the puts function. Ciao Bernhard M.
it is not consistent from a users perspective and it's not documented either, at least i don't know of any documentation. it is confusing. I am not saying it doesn't make sense. Consistency to me would mean to use puts whenever there's a (char *) or not using it at all. Of course you're right with the null ptr dereference, it happens of course in puts, the original text was a bit misleading regarding that.
Btw in the meantime I found another intersting document exploring this: http://www.ciselant.de/projects/gcc_printf/gcc_printf.html
Maybe the best fix would be to teach puts to handle NULL, too (string written as array below to avoid comment escaping bug).
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