As some
pointed out one can make the resigning a lot easier in case you also used digest 2 signatures. Still it's quite a lot of work to remove the digest 2 sigs you already imported. If you are sending your keys to keyservers on a regular basis but not since
debconf, it might make sense to remove your pubkey completely, import it back again, do something like:
for i in $(gpg --list-sigs $DEBSIGN_KEYID| grep '^sig' |sed -r -e 's/sig [0-3]* .*([A-F0-9]{8}) .*/\1/'); do gpg --recv-key $i; done
and then work on reimporting proper signatures. At least that's what I am doing now.
This way of course I lose all other keys that I imported in the past but imho that's worth the hassle of delsig in comparison.