Today I tried to find a new keyboard and noticed that all the modern keyboards are really big crap. There are different possibilities why they are.
Here are my main reasons:
- nearly all have additional keys to launch programs (hey if you are not able to launch a program by typing its name use your mouse)
- the keystroke sucks on most of them (bless you if you have one of these old IBM keyboards with USB adapter)

- they have keys at places your old hasn't.
This was the first try
ever for me buying a keyboard (in the past I always got one from fnord) and its really the same procedure when
buying shoes. The only difference is that you will not wear them around your shoes but you will wear them under your hand.
What the ductility and the size of a shoe is, is the keystroke when looking at keyboards. But not only the technical aspects are important, also
the optical aspects are. Shoes have to look nice and also your keyboard should, cause you use it every day.
So where is IBM today, producing good old ~10kg keyboards with USB adapters?
The only reason why I bought a new keyboard and not just a PS2==>USB adapter is that at my local hardware dealer this would be as cheap as a new keyboard.
And here is my new one, a Cherry cymotion expert