security of scponly/sftp-server in combination with apacheTrackbacks
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Lack of proper HTML escaping caused (apropos to a post about easily making errors) ate your example problematic PHP.
Im using sftp with chroot and it works pretty good If you have a lot of users you cant trust everyone ![]()
You do not need apache and php. Most system have a MTA installed. And most MTAs by default allow some things in .forward that makes only allowing sftp a bit mood.
At least with mod_suexec you can ensure that their shell will run as them, and not as www-data.
well sure, that's why I wrote "standard setup". This is also just a dirty workaround, what if the webserver serves cgis? I think instead of this everyone would probably just chroot this.
Hmm.. firewall? At a minimum on a production server, you should probably be dropping packets not on expected ports.. doesn't fix much, but it'll rule out nc as an attack vector.
Of course, if they can system() arbitrary commands, lack of a shell will hardly prevent a malicious user from causing mischief..
that limits the nc vector, still you can also setup a connect back shell.... of course there is always a way to prevent that, this post is just to point out one thing you have to think of when setting this up, nothing more...
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