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The reasoning is in the README.Debian... although I don't agree with them.
Hi Nico,
you might want to read "PermitRootLogin set to yes" in /usr/share/doc/ssh/README.Debian.gz
Yes did this after Thijs gave the hint. Thanks, the other DDs at CLT didn't know too
Well, disallowing password authentication at all would IMO be of a greater benefit to the averange user than disallowing root login - those who use a weak root password most likely also have a weak password on their user account. And from that its only a matter of sudo (with the known user password), su (forcing the weak root password or waiting for the user to do it) or the next local root exploit that comes along. So there I do agree with the rationale given in README.Debian.
Speaking of "loosing" passwords, there also is a client side setting worth noting: Disallowing tunneled clear text (as opposed to challenge response) password authentication by setting "PasswordAuthentication no" in /etc/ssh/ssh_config to avoid passwords ever being given out to a remote ssh server. Add Comment
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