wikipedia starts to suckComments
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I've experienced this Problem about a year ago. I've taken parts from a very lengthy article into a new one in order to improve readability. I got flamed for this. I continued work on the new article. End of the story the new article was deleted because of relevancy. Parts of it have been included into the old overview article leaving it totally unreadable und way too long. So far I can totally sign your Statements about the German Wikipedia.
Well, I thought about that for a while after an article I wrote got deleted.
Sure, GRML (which is also my favourite live-CD) should be important enough, politicians that are important enough to get voted into any parliament are important, too. But if you tolerate every crap-article, soon every nobody on this planet would make an article for himself and for his cat, trying to make people think that he is relevant in any way. And if that starts, you can forget searching for articles, because all you get is static noise. I for example like the listings with facts about the current day. What happened years ago, who was born, who died? Those lists get unusable when they contain 6 billion birthdays...
hey but thats simple to avoid if the relevance criteria would just match people who relevant for what they are doing for some kind of "community" and not just to present theirself.
The problem with good search results is an argument but thats always a problem also if you have big masses of relevant articles.2
Full ack nion. Another example is the discussion about deleting the arch linux and cent OS article. I don't get it. We probably need a in germany because wikipedia starts to suck.
have a nice day! benny
I agree with you.
The trouble is with the moderators. The moderators don't care about bad editing. I've edited articles to improve them, only to come back a year later and see all my edits undone, and the articles often unreadable messes. Where was the moderation to stop this? And then, when I had the temerity to actually write an article, it was deleted because it was so "voted" for lack of relevancy. This happened hours after the article was posted. This is apparently what occupies the moderators' time: pooh-poohing other people's work and getting it quickly deleted in a clickish vote-fest. Making sure edits on existing useful articles are actually improvements? Not their department. I understand that they can't approve or read every change, but they should spend most of their time doing that boring oversight job, rather than engaging in these stupid discussions and vote fests to delete arguably marginal or controversial articles, which no one will read anyway if they're as useless as they claim. These moderators have awaiting them great, long careers in the civil services, I fear.
That's a very normal german phenomenon. Messing things up in a very organized and hyper-serious manner. Germans are not about collective contribution, not collective at all but individuals that know everything best each. "I only trust my own competence and how I understand the Wiki rules (or soccer, automobiles, politics) is the way everybody should understand them". I should know that, I am a german...
![]() BTW...I don't use the german WP at all. It really sucks. It has only a fraction of the entries which can be found in en.wikipedia and most of them are extremely crippled compared to the english articles. And yes, they're deleting articles faster than burning books some decades ago. SCNR. Just taking the comprehensive english articles and translating them into german seems to be a taboo. Arguments are way more entertaining than just contributing for them. Ok, enough kraut bashing... ![]() Add Comment
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Today the country specific web sites of wikipedia like for example were not available for some minutes. First it looked like: Then like: So maybe a database problem when looking at the first screenshot. Anyone knows more? I n
Tracked: Sep 17, 15:22