Automatic debian security updatesComments
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The subscription to debian-security-announce sounds like a sane idea, since you don't have to check periodically (well, probably the email account you get the emails on), but instead have your security update operation triggered by this info mail.
There is no security that the update will brake something so (imho) it is a bad idea. Even there is no possibility to rollback an package which could lead into an broken system.
yes thats right, but to wait a few hours sucks too. So what are the alternatives besides of checking this all manually and often?
Aren't the .debs on before the appropriate DSA goes out? So waiting for the DSA would slow it down even more, wouldn't it?
puh good question. don't know, but I think if it is the case it should.
Anyway, I will go on with this idea ![]() Think of an sms gateway which sends you an sms if some new dsa arrives ![]()
I'm currently doing updates by hand (in case stuff is broken, blah, blah, blah) and I haven't tried it but check this out: secpack implements automatic security updates for Debian. To support unattended updates the system uses signatures to verify the authenticity and integrity of the upgrade packages. In case you do try it out, say (email) something (if it worked or didn't, problems, etc).
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