newsbeuter 2.0 was just released! I am way too lazy to summarize all the new features and bugfixes, It's just to many of them. Here is the changelog:
Added more flexible dialog handling
Improved position handling in article list (fixes #112; thanks to Isaac Good)
Fixed a lot of bugs (#102, #111, #117, #130, #131).
Added ability to specify a list of OPML URLs when using OPML as URL source.
Added config option "keep-articles-days" to optionally keep articles only for a limited number of days.
Added config option "bookmark-interactive" to indicate that the configured bookmarking command is interactive.
Don't display authentication information in URLs (fixes #121).
Replaced mrss with new RSS/Atom parser.
Added ability to search for text from the article view.
Added basic support for Yahoo Media RSS.
Made article view pager configurable.
Improved HTML rendering of links and underlined and bold text.
Added ":source" commandline command to (re)load configuration files.
Implemented "pipe-to" key to pipe articles to external commands.
Implemented backtick evaluation for configuration files.
Extended filter language with "between" operator.
Added "age" attribute for articles to filter them for relative age (in days).
Extended "set" commandline command to toggle boolean variables and reset configuration variables of all types to their default.
Added ability to configure local files as feeds.
Added a "random-unread" key to go to a random unread article.
When opening articles from a search result dialog, make search phrase stand out in article view.
Persist commandline and search history.
Implemented commandline completion.
Improved help dialog so that it now shows unbound functions.
Added ability to sort feed list and article list by interactively choosing the sort method.
Improved and extended conditional HTTP download handling.
The full release annoucement by ak is available on:
Also just uploaded the package to
Debian unstable.