... and most of the guys propagating Linux are morons. I only write this because on
BeLUG-mailinglist there is a new topic about Linux fetishism. I really hate threads about why Linux is 1337 and Windows is not.
Do you guys don't have something better to do then going on the nerves of others with your Human-Spam and work on converting windows users to linux users?
For example think about Jehovah's witnesses, everybody hates them (ok except a finite amount of people) and now think about people swinging a tux banner and offering a linux magazin to show you how cool the linux community is. Thats an
extreme of what some people are already doing and I hate them too.
I also think that most of the people doing this are not the ones who have got the best technical arguments, if
they would have technical knowledge I guess they would solve more interestings problems.
And be paithfully the questions on the mailing lists and in usenet are really more idiotic as before Linux became more and
more popular but this is only a personal problem.
So please stop this, if Linux has technical advantages over windows and they are good enough to differ then there is no need for Linux-evangelism, if not is not worth a try for a Windows-user.
Before you think I don't like Linux, that is not the case and I don't talk about philosophical things like Free Software, OpenSource, DRM etc. this would be another deep going discussion.
Altogether I can only add: "Everyone uses what he deserves" -- Sven Guckes
Ah and btw. 2/4 written tests at university are over now.