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Hi Nico,
can you please explain me how you installed debian on this machine ? I have the same system, but I cannot plug a cdrom on it... Thank you
you can choose between adding a usb cdrom drive, open the case and plug in a cdrom to the ide drive or boot via pxe.
regards nion
litle info about the debian on this machine.
Use this link to make a Debian net install USB stick and then just change boot order in BIOS to USB-HDD or USB-ZIP (it depend how you prefer to make your USB-stick). Just boot and enjoy. ![]() I have litle question for PXE boot. I can't change "therd boot" option in BIOS and every time i boot the machine it tries to boot from all 3 net cards. hapy if somone can help.
I recently bought one,.. it's a great little box... most USB cd drives will get mounted straight away for you to install whatever you want.
Hey mate
Saw one of these babies on ebay and like yourself I thought 'hmmm custom linux network appliance, hooray' complete with multiple NICs so I can put it in a DMZ... just wondering what your experiences with it have been like in terms of getting linux (in particular networking functions) to play ball. I'm thinking Damn Small Linux (I'm a fedora guy) right now I'm planning to run squid, iptables and a BIND caching server on this thing. Your input would be appreciated. Cheerio
that works, im currently running debian unstable without any problem (nfs,samba,some monitoring, scm etc)
Bought one of these, its happily running XUbuntu in complete silence but now a little noisier because I had to add the hard drive and take out the CF card
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