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It would be quite a big help if you'd add some sort of description or hyperlink explaining what this w3bfukk0r thingie is. Reding your blog article, I have just absolutely no idea whether w3bfukk0r is something I do want or not. Br, Mat
Mhm I posted about it in the past so I thought everyone knows what it is, I edited the post. thanks
Do you have a webserver with this installed? w3bfukk0r is not that evasive and even the website of the developers doesn seem to use if, if it does it does not block w3bfukk0r:
w3bfukk0r http://www.zdziarski.com/ [/home/nion] Starting w3bfukk0r 0.2 Scanning http://www.zdziarski.com/ with 101 words from words.txt Found http://www.zdziarski.com/images/ (HTTP 200) Found http://www.zdziarski.com/papers/ (HTTP 200) Found http://www.zdziarski.com/cgi-bin/ (not public; HTTP 403) Found 3 directories. Server runs: Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) PHP/4.4.0 Scan finished (19 seconds). Conclusion: crap (for w3bfukk0r)
Thanks for the update. I did read some article(s?) about it in the past but I was not able to recall them while reading this article. Adding some description or hyperlink helps. Thank you. Add Comment
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