keyboard vs. shoesComments
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nah comparing keyboard layouts is like comparing zsh and bash. waste of time.
us layout also sucks, most of the layouts suck except ristome, dvorak and a few other. But keyboards with this as default are really really expensive.
Sure that's waste of time, because what should be better than zsh and us layout with own mappings?
![]() Besides the happy hacking keyboard (quite expensive) I like Cherry keyboards with the softtouch keys (IIRC its named like that, more expensive than usual keyboards but definitely worth a try and not that expensive as a HHK). regards, -mika-
I've bought some 2 weeks ago 2 IBM keyboards. I didn't bought them from the IBM site but from a store (very hard to find). I suppose Lenovo does them now.
I like those ones. Before I had a labtec one which was quite good but after one year it wasn't usable any more.,crid=28,contentid=631 Before that one, I had an old "digital" keyboard (I still keep it) which is wonderful but makes more noise. Talking about both keyboard and shoes, I think that quality is more important than the design.
when comparing keyboard layouts with shells, german layout is neither bash nor zsh. more csh. but I admit: ALL layouts suck. Even dvorak is no solution to the keyboard layout problem. the only solution is a secretary, who does the dirty keyboard work (or, if you boss won't spend a secretary for you, use a speach recognicer like via voice or dragen dictate)
just bought a cherry g83: (usb)
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After a few month typing on fairly new Cherry keyboard I felt somehow uncomfortable with it so I started searching for a new keyboard. I thought about buying one of these natural ergonomic keyboards but they have two drawbacks, they have many additiona
Tracked: Feb 27, 19:43