Unfortunatly my current WG (Wohngemeinschaft, flat-sharing community) partner will
move to a new flat first in april this year.
Thats why I am searching for a new partner.
This flat is 65m^2 three rooms.Room to offer is ~15m^2 and will cost 250 Euro (thats also the price I pay now) with everything included (internet,water, electricity etc.) but there is also a fairly big living room I never use cause I sit in front of the computer if I am at home. I can also provide a big pr0n fileserver

Located in
10 minutes from "Alexander Platz".
I don't care about your sex or age and don't know if homeless nerds are reading this

If you are interested or know someone who could be interested, drop me a mail.
If you want photos or further information (I've forgotten something?) leave a comment or also write mail.