At least that's what I thought when people started complaining to me about:
<>: host[] said:
554 5.7.1 Blocked by policy: blacklisted URL in mail (in reply to end of DATA command)
and I got several "<mailinglist> has received bounces from you" messages. So that means they scan my incoming mail for blacklisted data.
So far so good, I thought this would come to an end if I contact
strato cause they are handling most of my email aliases.
I contacted them so they stop this because I never clicked any button to allow them to scan incoming mail bodies for URLs on their blacklist. To be more specific I explicitly checked a box in a web interface to
never reject spam messages but mark the subject of them. So from my point of view this is violating
§ 206. Anyway, I am not a lawyer, I just want to get my mails.
first reply (sorry German) is already bullshit. They are telling me that they know about this and this is because they were accidently added to one of the realtime spam blacklists like for example
They also reference the
wikipedia article about
DNSBLs for whatever reason. I mean it's not new that companies hire more or less competent people to reply to support mails and phone calls but this is just ridiculous.
I was patient then and again explained the problem to them (note this happens through the same web interface again, you can't reply to their mails).
But the
second reply (German again) is even better.
They are telling me that the IP address
I told them is not listed. WTF, what do they want to tell me by this apart from that their support line is handled by
eliza bots?! They then tell me to tell them for what Email alias sending mails does not work and to which specific address. WTF?!
I know I could point the
MX record to host under my control handling my mail. For historical reasons this is not the case and since everything worked fine until now and I "pay" for the service I don't really want that.
Any experience with this or any idea what I could do? Sure I also blog about this for the search engines
UPDATE: Today I called strato since I didn't get any confirmation mails for further support requests. "That's strange" the guy at the phone told me ;-P
Furthermore he admitted that strato
does this kind of content filtering but he doubts that can be switched off. After telling him I clicked a button to only mark spam and not to reject it he didn't really know what to say and told me I could try the strato abuse address. Ok, that's the last thing I do before switching to another provider and reporting an offense. More to come...
UPDATE: After calling them yesterday and sending them a link to my blog I got another mail by the support confirming again that
strato is scanning your/my mail content for blacklisted data. They also tell me because the content that got detected as spam is also on third-party blacklists and because of that they won't remove it from their blacklist.
They somehow didn't get that I don't want to have this specific viagra site on their whitelist but I want to stop them scanning my emails, the URL I gave them was just a
PoC in case their support answers with nonsense again. They now give me the special possibility to except all my email aliases from this but still not realizing that they can't do this for others as well without getting the approval for this first.
The support also told me that they are going to report an offense to the police if I mention any names in this blog (I am going to check that back with a lawyer and add them later if it's ok)

So that's what I call support!

Searching for a new provider now...